How to Maximize the Value of Your Board Meetings

Board meetings are one of the most valuable things your board can do for the company you run. In reality, they can help you make quicker decisions increase productivity and time-management skills, increase collaboration and bring your business closer to its goals.

They can be lengthy or confusing and can be dull. The reason for this is that many boards don’t have the proper structure, schedule of meetings or agenda in place and even the ones that have, they’re usually not organized in a way that maximizes participation and efficiency.

The most important thing to have an effective meeting of the board is to have an agenda that clearly defines the agenda for the meeting. It should also include all the documentation required prior to the meeting. It is crucial to limit the amount of items that are on the agenda and to avoid repeating items from one meeting to the next.

Be sure to concentrate on issues and issues that are strategic in nature, instead of ones which are purely operational. This will allow you to tap into the different skills and desires of board members, and allow you to engage in more lively discussions.

The board should have the opportunity to consider, approve and monitor strategies that can help your organisation achieve its goals. This means defining and discussing concrete indicators to measure the progress. This can be accomplished by assigning KPIs to each strategy, for example, retention rates of donors and clients and levels of acquired revenue. Focusing these discussions on the most crucial issues that your company faces will maximize the value of every board meeting.

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